All Posts by admin

Book Seller

​Selling books can be a fun job. You get to meet all sorts of interesting people. You can either start a physical shop or an online page. 

Things to think about with your new store include, do you want to sell used or new books both of these have advantages and disadvantages. Such as with used books you may be able to source books from charity stores and garage sales. With new books your going to have to contact distributors.

Example businesses include:

Improvements coming

​We will be adding more content to the site soon 🙂 . We have recently added a chat help feature so please contact us if you require assistance.



I have recently been reviewing an interesting program called Mouseflow it basically shows where your customers and website visitors are going once they enter your site.

It will show choke points where visitors leave your site. It also has a unique feature ​called 'session replay' which shows exactly where your visitors went on your site.

Other features include heat-maps of your site, funnels to show where visitors leak from your site.

Mouseflow also provides feedback and the effectiveness of forms on your page.

Well worth taking a look if you need to improve the efficiency and functionality of your site.

Visit Mouseflow now.

Keeping Financial Records

Be sure to keep accurate business records. You will need accurate records when it comes to tax time. Also you will be able to see if your business is profitable.

The easiest way to keep records is with financial record keeping software. Below we have recommended several packages which you can use for this task.

Cashflow Manager

Cashflow Manager This is the Australian Version its a small business accounting program. It will make it easy to keep records for tax and other record keeping requirements. Several versions are available depending on your business.


One of my favorite books is ‘Built to Last‘  in that book the authors Jim Collins & Jerry Porras make the point that one of the most important facts about successful companies is to get your company started.

Indeed some of the greatest companies they studied did not have a clear idea of where they were going until a year or more after commencing. They debunked the idea that you need a great idea to start a company.

Here at Busi Start we have now completed the first section on getting your business started. We will soon be moving on to the next section which will be branding.

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